I have a personal mantra and it's "ABOVE ALL, KNOW JOY". It's all about feeling joy, seeing it and appreciating it through every day living (hence the tag line on my blog) and I really try to live my life by it. Some days it's tougher than others to feel it though.
I wasn't feeling too joyful when my 10 year old accidentally spilled a Big Gulp size cup of water on my brand new, two week old MacBook recently. (Apple store: "Liquid damage? Oh no, the warranty doesn't cover THAT!") There definitely wasn't much joy in my heart when the washing machine broke right before my 20th wedding anniversary. (Goodbye diamond anniversary ring, hello Maytag!)
But for the most part, I try to be joyful and obviously some days it's just easier than others. There are all kinds of things that bring me joy and so I've decided to start posting about some of those things. So, how about you? I'd love to hear what brings you joy or if you have a personal mantra?
20 Beautiful DIY Floral Arrangements
20 hours ago
There is a BIG difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is temporary. Joy is constant. Not always easy...but it's almost like faith.
What brings me joy...let's see...
1) that I know that i have all the basic things (and much more) I need to live. For some reason I never take this for granted.
2)When I look out my window I love the winter wonderland I see
3) I rescued a dog that is a perfect match for my family (I sure do love that guy)
4)I have kids that give back to this world.
5)I know that the good Lord has a plan for me.
6) I will be celebrating my 10 yr wedding anniv this weekend. Wow...i had no idea how hard this thing called marriage is. Boy do I now know that I am not as laid back and perfect as i once thought i was :)
7) I have a blog friend like you that stops by my blog and encourages me all the time
Gaaaa...that's awful. I hope you can get your new computer dried out. Sorry about the ring too...maybe for the 25th?!
I have so many quotes that I love and try to live by. Ultimately I write my blog for myself. So when I put up a new weekly quote it is something very personal that I am sharing.
I adore "above all, know joy". It is sometimes such a challenge. But more so a blessing to one's life.
Nothing like JOY!!! I am sorry about your computer though!!
so true!
You bring joy to my life!
Loved this post and your new blog look is great! laurie
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