A quick synopsis of the barn sale so far:
Torrential rain.
High wind.
A collapsed tent.
Soaked barn girls.
A line of customers out the door.
Seeing old friends, meeting new friends (including fellow blogger Lulu).
Pure joy!
More later................
Style Showcase 283
3 hours ago
Hey you... sounds like fun even in the rain, love to see some pics!! Hope to catch up soon, Chrissy
i so wish we could meet and have a cup of coffee.
we just may have to do that some day over the phone...you with a cup of coffee...me with a cup of coffee...the only thing between friends is a phone line!!
can't wait to hear everything.
i'm still realllllly proud of you girl!!
What a bummer...rain, etc. I've been there, just ask Kasey (lola b's)!! Can't wait to see the pictures and hear more!
Gail - Honey - I can't WAIT to hear your big version of the weekend. I filled orders Friday night and Saturday and Saturday night, I collapsed. Back in agony and once I got to Va, I slept from 8:30 pm to 8:30 am.... I thought Saturday and Sunday weather was perfect albeit verrrry windy!
Anyway, hope it was perfect and everything you were hoping for. I look forward to hearing the full humor injected version.
Had the best time! Loved meeting you in person! First blog friend I met in person!! yippy!! and on my blog i already showed my chalkboard. I need to post all my finds tomorrow! and can't wait to get my other item!!
Just wanted to thank you for the expression of sympathy you left on my blog:)
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