One month from today my kids go back to school.
I'm not ready!
Summer just started.
They're growing up too fast.
My oldest (13) left for Boy Scout summer camp this morning. He never looked back.
My youngest, (almost 11) won't hold my hand in public anymore.
This mama's heart breaks over the passage of time.
A week ago I turned 48.
I look in the mirror and hardly recognize the face staring back at me.
It scares me how fast time is going.
I want it to stop. I want to hold my babies and know our future is ahead of us, that we have all the time in the world to chase fireflies, do belly flops at the pool, and to skip down the street hand in hand.
But time doesn't stand still.
My oldest is so strong, independent, confident and comfortable in his skin.
My youngest is hilarious, adorable, scary smart. The President of his school's student government for God's sake!
My role in their lives is changing.
My husband, their father, is their parent of choice these days.
Who does that make me?
What does that leave me?
What place will I have in their lives when they are gone?
I feel them slipping away............
And I am afraid.